SAE First Draft

          English 110 is a great class as it explores and breaks down pieces of literature to find the main message and more importantly, the rhetorical appeals used by authors of these texts. While I did not realize what I would be experiencing in each academic phase, the phases had their own individual focus on certain course learning objectives that have helped me achieve a higher understanding of the course goals and literature. Phase 1 opened me up to fully “recognize the role of language attitudes and standards in empowering, oppressing, and hierarchizing languages and their users, and be open to communicating across different languages and cultures.”  In Betel Nut is Bad Magic for Airplanes this core learning goal was also highlighted, specifically the role of language attitudes in oppressing languages and their users.

       This essay reminded me to be more open to communicating and learning different languages, dialects, and cultures because the texts show how these socio-factors create rich lives. After I had peer reviewed my peers’ works and read their personal narratives, it became evident to me how ashamed some of them were of their mother tongue, at an early age, due to condescending adult figures in their lives such as teachers. The collaborative and social aspects of the writing processes were present and more crucial during this assignment as I spoke to two other peers who shared anecdotes from their past, like my essay, and we all had a unity in similar experiences. It also led to us collaborating and leaving each other constructive criticism to make our anecdotes fulfill their purposes better. The strategies for the parts of the writing process really came down to the experience gained through this whole semester of English. It was a little challenging to navigate the best strategies for the LLN essay, but this essay gave me the most insight to improve my strategies with the parts of the writing process. The experience was especially useful for my Research Essay, where I had so many sources and could not decide on which would be best to use and which source belonged to which scientist so I developed an organizational system of labeling sources and bookmarking sources by their list number so I could refer to them easily throughout my essay. 

           Writing the Rhetorical Analysis Essay helped me achieve other Course Learning Outcomes considering I was able to “explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations” and “recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations.” Ava Duvernay’s film, 13, inspired a lot of discussion on how statistics were an amazing way to incorporate logos into an important documentary and show credibility. Yet, the film also balanced it out with pathos and really invoked emotions especially pity and hurt when they conveyed stories of innocent criminals who had their lives taken from them through civil injustice. This analysis was easy to pull because the rhetorical aspects of 13 were well executed for their purpose. In the RAE essay itself. I distinguished and compared the way rhetorical strategies were used by Hammad and Staples in their literature. The entire assignment was a terrific way to dissect language and literacy and how rhetorical appeals were used to deliver information about an essential theme ongoing in current events and even in our lives. 

        The research essay gave me a clear insight on how to effectively deliver proper evidence to help my audience understand the validity of my point. To do this, I had to “locate research sources (including academic journal articles, magazine, and newspaper articles) in the library’s databases or archives and on the Internet and evaluate them for credibility, accuracy, timeliness, and bias.” All four criteria for evaluation were extremely important as I put together this essay because credibility speaks for itself. 

    While the main learning outcome was the strategies used to integrate several different strategies, sources and my personal stance, this essay demanded me to practice systematic application of citation conventions as well. This course learning outcome was used in every essay and assignment, but it was especially crucial for this paper because my essay contains many thoughts and ideas of many scientists who have conducted many hours of research and deserve credit for it. After reflecting on this essay, despite the ability to choose my topic, this essay demanded my best efforts. It required me to focus on the last 3 course learning outcomes the most, which required the most writing and perfection considering the difficulty in preparing and delivering an essay that followed all the criteria in the learning outcomes. With all that said, all the course learning outcomes were achieved as the curriculum was designed to target. While some course learning outcomes had more relevance than others throughout the semester, the significance of each outcome was shown when writing these 4 different essays.